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Massachusetts firefighters seek special private number plates

The article is the synopsis of pushing a bill in that advocates the need to have a special number plate a private license plate for the firefighters and fire fighting volunteers similar to what presently Military veterans ,National guard members and legislators.This is required and sometimes seems to be mandatory as the action of volunteer firefighter commuting in his private vehicle, private number plates will be appreciated and before the state department rushes to the spot, the damage to the “fire spot”can be effiiciently handled by this trained firefighter.And this can only be happenned if his privately owned vehicle is specially designed in a such a way that the passers by will be knowing that he should be passed by !Evidently the first three minutes of any fire to be controlled is crucial for any such type of accidents.This is been advocated by Mr.Brailey and ably supported by Senator Mr.Brewer.This could see the light of the day and if passed ,we can see the firefighter volunteer getting a “pass” through the traffic which some times can prove that such move had saved some lives.

Read the full article here:
Massachusetts firefighters seek special license plate for private vehicles