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Make Your Vehicle Unique

Many people spend a lot of time in their car, whether commuting to work, transporting children or driving to school. Like your home, your vehicle can say a lot about your personality and what you like. There are several ways to customize your car to express yourself, including steering wheel and seat covers. These come in many different designs and colours to “spice up” your interior. Putting unique floor mats with bright colours or interesting patterns can liven up the look of your vehicle as well. Other people like to hang decorative items from their rearview mirror, including air fresheners or the classic “fuzzy dice”.

You can make your car more homey when it smells nice, which you can also do by fastening air fresheners on your vents. Whether you like fruity, spicy, minty or flowers, you are sure to find a scent you like. Writing messages with window paint can also be a lot of fun for people that want everyone to know that they are graduating high school, newlyweds, or any other message under the sun. Messages can be shown in other ways, too. Vanity plates are very popular in the U.S., but a great alternative is car number plates.

These license plates spell out a message using a combination of letters and numbers. For example, BE57 M0M reads as “best mom,” or MY11 OVE can read as “MY love”. This is a unique spin on private car plates as people may take a moment to decipher your message. You can make your license plate even more noticeable by using a frame that sparkles, shines, or has a bold color to it. Putting clever bumper stickers on the end of the car or attaching magnets to the bumper is another great way to draw attention to your vehicle. Why have a boring car when there are so many ways to make it unique?